A ganger is a girl who dresses like a gangster but still feminine. They will often be found in quantities and only on their own when trying to meet up with other gangers.
by twiggy675 October 21, 2010
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1. A Gangster 2. A Utah Ninja Psychiatrist's way of saying gangster. 3. A Black man or group of black men on TRAX waiting to be taught a lesson by said utah ninja psychiatrist.
"Warning to all you Fu**ing ganger retards, sometimes a white late 20's guy does have the training to beat the sh*t out of you....so f**k off you retards on TRAX."
by Utah Smart Guy January 29, 2005
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Someone who is unusually skinny or has abnormally long limbs.
by Grant Wasson March 16, 2008
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A ironically gay man part of an ironic online troll group called patiya gang
damn james was acting kinda gay yesterday.
Yeah i heard he is a patiya ganger
by Beefdvd July 1, 2023
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A less intimidating sounding name for a member belonging to a gang.
"Dude Ganger Bangers are bogus, killing people and stuff."
"Naw Dude they have it worse, All they need is a little Love:)"
by JesusLover56789 September 29, 2011
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The word to describe having a three-way sexual liaison with two other unrelated individuals who could/would be described as doppelgangers (very similar physical characteristics). Often shortened to Double G'd.
This phrase does not apply to identical twins.
"I'd totally love to have a double-ganger with them two doppels" ;
"Can't believe Alice got double g'd at the weekend"
by Double-Ganger August 16, 2021
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