1) Band kid humor describing failure of one to hit a particular note, ergo, a failure
2) A fail of epic proportions, described by a very loud pedal tone, saying "This is my wump..." and a tuba player with a monotone voice saying "Wump"
3) A play on Wumbo
4) A descriptive word for a very good time, day, or experience
5) The act of one putting their lips over the mouthpiece of a brass instrument, preferably sousaphone, tuba, contra, or baritone, and yelling as loud as humanly possible
6) If all else fails, the most accurate and precise definition of Wump is 42
7) God
1) *Band kid trips on tuba*
2) "How was your day?"
"It was very wump thank you"
by Mr. Leo October 16, 2014
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Another word used to describe a fat chick.... Wump is a reference to the tuba sound played in the movie Dumbo when the elephants walk in a line. !wump-a-wump-a-wumpa-dee wump!
dude look at those Wumps walking down the street or the girls rugby team at our school is made up of just total wumps!
by newyorknewyork121 June 4, 2011
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moving your hips back and fourth in a humping formation while walking, mostly used in dance contests.
"i have this sudden urge to Wump"
"i call this next move, the Wump"
by Mr.Fuzz(DEVIN) May 16, 2010
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Describes listening to Fall Out Boy music. Comes from Pete ((W))entz and Patrick St((ump))
We're totally going to wump this weekend!!!

Ready to wump while listening to Infinity on High?
by Chlamois February 10, 2007
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The act of humping someone with clothes on (as in dry humping) but becoming wet because of it.
"Why are Scotts pants all wet?"
"Because he and Gina were wumping hardcore."
by Meghansworld August 18, 2007
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WOW! That guy just got WUMPED!
by wumper69 February 10, 2011
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