The New World Order, also known as the NWO, is a conspiracy theory that states that a small group of elites have an agenda to rule the world through an autonomous one world government. This one world government would lead to the elimination of all sovereign nations and end all wars and conflicts. According to many conspiracy theorists, we are headed in this direction and it is supposedly a bad thing.
Many conspiracy theorists insist that the plan for a New World Order exists, even though there is zero evidence to back up this conspiracy. The only evidence they will give you are articles and YouTube videos made by other conspiracy theorists, like Alex Jones for example.
by Striker122 January 4, 2010
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A phrase used by George H.W. Bush at the end of the Cold War to describe the shift from a bipolar structure where power was divided between the USA and USSR to one where the US stood as the only global superpower. Since then, the phrase has been adopted by right-wing svengalis, first by neo-nazis in the nineties, but more recently by nazi-influenced propaganda artists on Youtube, to confuse poor and uneducated, or sometimes just lazy and ignorant, people about the source of their oppression, and encourage them to support politicians and policies that are in direct opposition to their own interests.
The Equal Protections Clause is part of a New World Order (NWO) plot to turn your kids gay! The Voting Rights Act is part of a NWO conspiracy to take away our rights to deny the vote to blacks! Child labor laws are a NWO conspiracy to take away our rights as parents to send our children to work in coal mines! The Nazis were total SJWs who hated the military! Black is white! Up is down! Right is wrong and wrong is right! It's true because I heard it on ALEX JONES!!!
by slayalltrolls April 16, 2017
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The plan Elmo has for the world. It involves bloody murdering Grover on TV and instilling fear into everyone, leting him control the world.
Elmo's New World Order will come soon!
by TheRealMugman October 9, 2020
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The new world order is real and they are wealthy elites plotting world domination and the destruction of civilization they also want "population control" which is a fancy way of saying genocide. see also new world order Illuminati Freemasons Billderberg Group Globalism And Population Control. also agenda 21 and depopulation.
When the new world order comes we will be either dead or enslaved by the new world order shadow elites.
by paulthomp November 20, 2020
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Biggest gang of pedophiles in the universe. They are known to take captives and force them to lie about their age.
"Nonce world order is recruiting more pedophiles to join them"
by Ss4lyf June 15, 2022
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Places where fancy dresses are are common but not at interest . Especialied in france n europe suddenly Italy or spain restuarants🧐
Id like to tell game over is maroon not 3rd world order
by C'carh March 27, 2022
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