1: A hippie concert

2: A yellow warbler from Peanuts
I'd never have gone to Woodstock.

Woodstock is my favorite character.
by Korora January 26, 2005
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What everyone who lived in the 60s said they went to, but actually didn't.
Dude, remember Woodstock? It was radical!
I didn't go, and neither did you, you pothead hippie wannabe.
by I'm so bloody bored February 24, 2015
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1) CIA-spearheaded social experiment in the 1960's, involving roping in masses of youth, using rock music, and getting them zombied-out on drugs. The government did that because the youth had been getting too socially-conscious. The event took place in Bethel, NY, near the town of Woodstock.

2) Town in upstate NY where old hippies wander about, and yuppies go to buy tie-dyed shirts to show that they're hip.
We had a wonderful time in Woodstock, there was so much peace and love in that t-shirt shop.
by Canada Street's in the bldg. December 9, 2006
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A gathering with an unhealthy number of males in attendance. Similar to a sausage fest.
"Dude, where's the chicks at?"

"Tell me about it, absolute woodstock in here!"
by Don Fandango August 6, 2007
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In the middle of nowhere in Virginia... Central is the better of Shenandoah County...
Good 'Ole Woodstock...

"what you doing tonight?"
"hanging out at Wal-Mart!"
by Gilly January 30, 2005
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The Finest bourbon,I belive, ever distilled. Mix with coke and enjoy.
Woodstock is a fine piece of alcohol distilliry.
by Bite It You Scum September 3, 2005
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a person who is nice to hang out with but occasionally gets very very emotional
i guess shes is a woodstock she is nice for a secound but then flips out
by burnt waffles May 20, 2008
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