Kind of like the noble savage, there is whitest boy alive, he doesn't exist. There is nobody as shy and naive as the description. People are just people, and the weak one is the one always looking for the weak one to try and walk all over or take advantage of, no matter what they look like.
There is no whitest boy alive any more than there is a blackest boy alive, though you don't hear many black guys arrogant enough to call some guy the blackest boy alive.
by The Original Agahnim December 10, 2021
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A type of marijuana. This marijuana gets it's name from the form it is in before sold. THC crystals cover the marijuana, therefore turning it white. Because of the concentrated THC, the marijuana is more potent and therefore more expensive than regs or mids.
1. "I paid over $40 for a gram of Whitest Widow, but it was worth it...Shit got me fucked up."
by whitest widow December 21, 2016
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Literally either someone who works at an ice cream shop or is a lifeguard. Fuckgirls-ice cream. Fuckboys-lifeguards. Plain and simple
Dude that lifeguard has the whitest job ever
by Bitchbyee May 24, 2018
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A way of saying that your black friend acts like a white boy. (No offense to either races)
"You know Kyle" Yeah he's the whitest of the black."
by Black Broccoli May 17, 2021
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