Noun: Person who believes when a company presents itself as "family friendly" and claims to promote "work-life balance," only to find employees are treated like galley slaves.
Hey, did you see the new guy Joe? The Weinstein thinks he's going home. When do you think he will realize he is shackled to the desk?
by Just Another Weinstein May 8, 2008
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Forced into a non-consensual act for fear of losing your career. Often involving erotic massage in a hotel room with a media mogul
She refused to be weinsteined so her career went down the tubes
by EdWarrey October 10, 2017
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When an adult actress is inappropriately propositioned by a rotundbig boss’ type, usually within the entertainment industry.
So Jenny went for an audition and got weinsteined by a fatty in a bathrobe.
by IamPocahontas January 3, 2018
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When a man jerks off into a potted plant in front of a horrified female witness.
We went out for sushi, but had to cut it short when my date pulled a weinstein with a ficus before dessert.
by Stains and Smears October 17, 2017
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To have ejaculated onto a marijuana plant.
1. - Dude... This weed tastes weird. It's like somebody weinsteined it or something.

2. - I came home to find some creepy burglar weinsteinging my pot plant

3. - If I hear you say another negative word about my mother I'm going to make a trip over to your house and Weinstein your crop
by VitoVane November 11, 2017
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The act of encouraging others to remove their clothes or forcefully removing their clothes for them. Then proceeding to touch them until you make them cry and question life altogether.
"Dude, did you hear about Jack?"
"Kevin Spacey totally Weinsteined him!'
by CallumRB December 13, 2017
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Weinsteined: The term used for a situation where a person is subject to unwanted sexual advances or persuaded to perform an unwanted sexual act in order to gain favor from someone of authority.
Unfortunately Sarah got Weinsteined by the director in order to get her role in the play.
by Kareem Oliver D'Belli October 13, 2017
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