A soft, sheltered young man who teased everyone with his athletic ability a few years ago but then quickly rested on his laurels. Later betrayed the fans of Toronto who supported him despite his softness by asking for a trade.
"You don't need to go to the hospital for a paper cut. Stop being a Vince Carter."

"I hope Vince Carter gets traded to New York where the fans and media will eat him alive."
by Lazarus Ciccone December 10, 2004
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To be held back by injuries.

(A person who can dominate the NBA when they want to and is healthy.)
"Yo dudes, this knee injury has totally Vince Carter'd me!"
by RaptorKiller May 2, 2003
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Most athletic player ever. Best in the league. People hate on him for no reason their jealous of his abilities.
Vince Carter jumps higher than anyone else.
by white wonder December 16, 2004
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played for the Toronto Raptors franchise; bailed out on the millions of fans who supported him in Canada; a very very selfish man who cared only for himself; he was making 12.5 million dollars in 2004-2005 and felt he needed to start worrying about himself and put his priorities before that of his teamates and the city of Toronto; accussed the franchise of constantly rebuilding and having a revolving door policy on free agents; the however admitted to not giving it his all in Toronto thus proving he was responsible for the raps losing seasons; a very sad man with a lot of talent; he may be geniunly nice outside but was never a MAN on the basketball court; OAKLEY challenged him and he got him traded; VC helped bring in HAKEEM who was a FLOP; his mom ran the franchise and his life; now hes winning games as a new jersey NET which as a team has less talent than do the raptors which goes to show you if he'd have given his all the the raptors franchise, they would've made the playoffs this yr and in yrs past
"Vince Carter is a whiny mama's boy whose as selfish as they come, and has no regard for anyone but himself
by NBA Thug April 6, 2005
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a. An overrated player for the Toronto Raptors.
b. A pussy who totally fakes his injury.
a. Wow, Vince Carter keeps getting sizzerved by Brian Scalabrine. He's terrible.
b. Get up, stop being such a Vince Carter. Brian Scalabrine didn't hit you that hard.
by Fumbalaya.com July 5, 2004
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The biggest pussy ever. The raptors should trade him even up for corey maggette.
"Ow, I hurt my knee."
"Dude, don't be a Vince Carter."
by Ross September 25, 2004
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A whiny pro basketball player who faked injuries or wanted to get injured on purpose while playing for the Raptors.
Vince Carter doesn't get injured anymore while he is on the Nets team?!
by John-e September 9, 2006
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