When you're driving on the expressway and all of a sudden you come to a screetching halt because of traffic congestion that appears to come out of nowhere (no accident, no bottlenecking, no construction). So you then cruise at about 5 mph for a short while wondering what the hell the deal is. Then all of a sudden, the road clears up and you find yourself cruising back again at a normal speed.
I was drivin' on the Parkway goin' 75 mph then found myself slammin' on the brakes because of some friggin' unidentified traffic jam. A minute later the roadway cleared as if nothing happened.
by Bx Boy April 6, 2006
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When your with a group of people and someone farts without saying safety, but no one knows who did it.

Also known as a UFA
Char "Who did it, someone own up"
Josh "It was just another Unidentified Farting Arsehole"
by Bigcharsnudes October 3, 2018
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A dick of an anonymous male that is levitating in the air.
What's that in the sky? It appears to be a UFD!(or Unidentified Flying Dick)
by Darkgod June 27, 2007
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An unknown object that is forcibly driven inside of a person's anus
Me: I just asked what you jammed up my ass so I could tell the doctor in the emergency room.
Tito: to be honest with you I don't remember just tell him it is a U.A.P. Unidentified Anal Phenomenon
by Charlie Badass February 23, 2021
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When someone blows you off for no apparent reason.
Text message: Hey good morning, how are you today? No response to text... UFO: Unidentified Fuck Off.
by alwaystails June 3, 2010
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As the name suggests, unidentified, and therefore classified as junk, stuff that arrives on a wooden pallet into the warehouse where you work
Yo, what is unidentified paletted junk?
by Sexydimma February 12, 2015
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As the name suggests, unidentified, and therefore classified as junk, stuff that arrives on a wooden pallet into the warehouse where you work
person a) Yo, what is unidentified paletted junk?
person b) don't know or care, but we need to keep it here until our manager comes back from vacation.
by Sexydimma November 22, 2016
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