The term ‘Lucifer’ is from Latin, meaning “Light-bringer”. And used in Isaiah 14:12, to be used clearly, with irony, to refer to the opposite.

Furthermore the context has this person as a King, who destroys multiple cities, weakens many nations, and opens not the house of his prisoners.

But what of the Devil, or Satan? The etymology of Devil, gives us the Ancient Greek “Diabolos”. Which means: To Slander, or to Accuse.

Revelation 12:9 uses terms ‘Devil’, ‘Dragon’ and ‘Satan’ to refer the same entity: A Person 👺, in addition to his Angels in Heaven (i.e Space 📡 🛰🛰🛰🛰🛰); “who leads the whole world astray
Is Lucifer 😈 the Devil?

Revelation 13:2

“... and the Dragon gave the Beast his power, his seat, and great authority”

So Satan, or the Devil, is a King Maker! In addition to being a Slanderer - and the Beast a King!

Revelation 13:4

“And they admired the Dragon who gave authority to the Beast; and they Admired the Beast, saying: Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him.”

Indeed, Revelation 13:1 describes this King as being crowned with the Authority of several Kingdoms - clearly!

So Satan is the power behind the throne, and what of the Beast ???

Who is like unto Lucifer?

Furthermore, who has the power to slander over many kingdoms ???

Is Today’s Western Intelligence and Media, with their false flag operations, and false accusations... Are they the King Makers, Accusers, and Slanderers; and the Terrorists 🔥, and the Drug dealers 💊 (i.e Afghanistan 🇦🇫) ???

The track 🎶 ‘Lucifer’ 🎶 by Jay Z sums it up ...
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Muga Unto, the true god and savior of our universe. The greatest thing of all known knowledge.
Person: Praise Muga Unto! Heaven and sky!
by Germaticus December 8, 2021
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When a character does something incredibly stupid that the audience just knows they're going to be dead soon.
Graves being all nice to Credence after smacking him and casting him aside like garbage -- Death Be Unto You.
by Darkury June 28, 2017
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something that seems like an italian guy ( luca g)
luca is really unto today
by il soos November 22, 2021
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something that seems like luca g(italian guy)
luca is really unto today
by il soos November 22, 2021
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