thats it, it's me Tub Tub
by ACRT-303 July 26, 2016
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a code word for a realy fat person. The person is soooo fat and stinks sooo much.
"Tub Tub is soo fat she sank the titanic".
"Tub Tub is soo fat when she turned around there was a hurrican".
"When Tub Tub farted i blow back 20 feet".
by suess! January 1, 2011
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my names tommywee, i eat too much cream cakes and im a tub-tub
by pimps bitch October 30, 2007
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but in 20/20 harriet tubman is going to be on it
so tubs!
Bro I got alot of of tubs last night stripping.
by JayDunka July 13, 2016
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when someone says tubs it means yes, ok, or affirmative
Ava: "Are you down to get some takeout today?"
Danial: "Tubs!"
by presitofmyarmor April 7, 2021
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An invention used to wash your filthy ass in.
Albert was so relieved to wash his fat stankin ass in the tub.
by Mr. Dwayne May 31, 2005
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A woman who is very heavily pregnant with a perfectly round swollen bump and her even more swollen tits are just flopped on the bump. The only thing holding them up is the bump
Liv: She is about ready to pop
Kate: Yeah she is really tubbed

Liv: Maybe her empty tits will fill up with milk when she pops
by The Milk Man Cometh October 14, 2022
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