When something is so great, beautiful, or awesome that it is everything to you. Often used as a hyperbole to express how much you like something.
Have you tried McDonald’s frappes? They’re everything.

Girl! Your hair is everything. It’s so soft and shiny, you should be a hair model.
by piperdown August 26, 2018
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A phrase used to add emphasis in conversation by way of smuggling in extra things that don't actually exist.

While seemingly a useful collective noun applicable to "all the other things I didn't yet mention that pertain to this matter", the usage is not in reference to any single thing.

See also: Filler word
Example 1
Person 1: ...they were on fire and everything.
Person 2: So, just on fire then?

Example 2
Wife: It's raining? I washed my car and everything.
Husband: Did you really wash everything?
Wife: This is why we don't have any friends.
by Judge_ November 28, 2019
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Engaging in sexual experiences with another person and doing everything but penetration. Everything: making out, heavy petting, oral sex, etc.
Omg Sandra... me and Bobby did everything but last night. I told him that I'd go all the way next weekend.
by thesexdr208 March 6, 2012
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A means by which a classy lady can maintain her sexual dignity by refraining from penile penetration yet still partaking in all other sexual activities.
'So did you shag that fitty that looks a bit like Duncan from blue?'
'No, we did everything but'
by niahbois May 14, 2010
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My love, she is everything to me, even when I shy away. She is perfect in every aspect, to such a point that I doubt my worth next to her. She cheers me up when I'm sad and I need it, to which I'm more then glad to return in anyway possible. The level of pleasure is unstatable when I'm with her or know she's well and happy, sadness plagues me when she's in pain. Her mind shapes my world, as she is everything to me, and I'm perfectly fine with that.
by BatCop February 28, 2017
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That means the world to me. That's my favorite. That's amazing. Everything you could ask for from someone.
"I wanna fuck you so bad"

- "That's everything baby"

"Did you see his text message?!"
- "Yeah, it was everything!"
by Mqw93 October 1, 2013
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