(noun) to vacuum.

The act of waking someone who is asleep up by turning on a vacuum in their room.

- Get out the vacuum and plug it in to an outlet in the hallway
- QUIETLY open the victim/roommates door and place the vacuum as far away from their bed as possible without waking them up
- Turn on the vacuum and RUN

Because the cord is in the hallway, the victim isn't able to yank on it to pull it off and must fumble around in the dark and half asleep to turn the vacuum off. It usually will take a couple minutes. Stand in the hallway and wait until it turns off, then you know you were successful.

To make it even better:

Have a friend who has never vacuumed anyone before do it, and then lock them in the room as soon as they turn the vacuum on so that when the victim wakes up, all they see is that person.
"Last night, we vacuumed Travis when we got home from the bars. As soon as Dan turned it on, Ryan and I locked him in the room. As soon as the vacuum turned off and the light came on, all we could hear was, "Oh hi Travis" by Dan. CLASSIC."
by The 604 Vacuum Master November 14, 2009
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A human responsible for rampant "sucking", and not the fun "sucking" that would be the result of a successful night out with a girl, but rather the negative conotation of the word sucking... What do vacuums do? They suck.
That girl sucks- she's a real vacuum.

Sorry dude, I told that vacuum girl I'd hang with her tonight...
by Rhino555 January 6, 2010
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A vacuum is an empty space, which has no atmosphere nor anything. Our atmosphere applies pressure to our bodies (see atmosphere and G-force) , but in a vacuum there is no such pressure, which would make your body "explode", as the inside of our body is built to match the same amount of pressure on the outside. If those to things doesn't collapse, we either imlode or explode. As you probably know, there isn't the mixture of oxygen, CO2 etc. out in space. Instead, there's a vacuum.
Did you know that out in space, theres absolutely nothing? It's called a vacuum!
by Evans February 28, 2005
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An implications tha you have had or are on shrooms
I was vacuuming yesterday
Man I've been vacuuming for like three hours
by km_McBam April 6, 2008
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A device used to deprive someone of sleep and piss them off while simultaneously cleaning the house.

Me (after 3 hours of sleep): Just shut the fuck up already!!!!
by Your goddamn conscience March 19, 2010
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A cumming Spanish cow. 🇪🇸🐮Cuuuuuuuuuuum
Person 1 "Oh look at that vacuum in the field"

Person 2 "Why is there white stuff everywhere"

Vacuum "holamoooo"
by Eeeeemily December 14, 2015
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A "code word" for Oral Sex. Usually involving a male receiving oral sex from another male and/or female.
"Knapp gave John a Vacuum last night"
"I got a great vacuum last night"
by German8235 October 18, 2011
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