only the most ballin' thing ever. turns regular english into ol' pirate dialect. EVERYTHING is in pirate language. personal favorites are bewitched portraits(videos), find this pleasin' to the eye(like), month o' showers(april), be wheghin' in(commenting), bottled message(new message), grains o' sand(seconds), has gone ashore(signed off),one grog fest sighted(one event invite), shots o' rum,(minutes)livery bilge raps be sendin' ye news(updates)....... the list goes on.
this english(pirate) language on facebook. is hilarious! lol, i reported someone and it said "report this here landlubber t'Cap'n and make em walk the plank!"
by umwho'sthis? May 7, 2009
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The most amount of times you can swear in a sentence and have it still be a valid sentence
me: I have a world record for swearing the most in a sentence and still having it be a valid sentence

friend: ok whats the sentence?

me: I fucking love the fucking word fuck it is my favorite fucking word in the fucking English language and there is no fucking word in the fucking English language that fucking comes close to comparing with the fucking word fuck
by Hehe I cheated March 31, 2021
Get the I fucking love the fucking word fuck it is my favorite fucking word in the fucking English language and there is no fucking word in the fucking English language that fucking comes close to comparing with the fucking word fuck mug.
A variation of EnGlAnD iS mY cItY, but that dumb fuck who likes to make fun of people is saying it.
English is my language and if it weren’t for team 0 then the U.S. would be normal
by Eskimo’s with big tits May 21, 2018
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The English language is a language. A language is defined as something you can speak. If you did not know The English Language, then you wouldn't be reading this. Most internet slang, like "Rizz" "Skibidi" and "Mewing" are not English terms and are to be viewed with hate and disgust to anyone using such words in their daily lexicon.

A person with a fucking brain: "Yo, shut your goddamn face. Your existence is a sign that God doesn't exist, or the fact that God is ignorant to the abberations like you, cursing his sacred Earth, learn The English Language for fuck sake.
by TheWhiteClone July 26, 2024
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