Most Incredible Band with members - Cedric Bixler, Omar Rodriguez, Tony Hajjar, Jim Ward, and Paul Hinojos......but they broke up. Cedric and Omar are in The Mars Volta while the other members (along with Matt Miller on bass) are in Sparta..
At the Drive-In Releases: Hell Paso, Alfaro Vive, Carajo!, Acrobatic Tenement, El Gran Orgo, In/Casino/Out, Vaya, Relationship of Command, Anthology: This Station is Non-Operational
by jacobb_bborg December 22, 2005
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A band that hails from El Paso, Texas and stays true to its routes no matter what the circumstances. All around the wickest band in its class. Energetic, fast paced, intelligent rock that's bound to reach your soul. Napoleon Solo is a wicked song.
If you don't know who At The Drive-In are, you're listening to too much hip-hop and heavy metal on MTV. Therefore you suck.
by James Peich October 28, 2004
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A popular place to watch movies while enjoying fallatio and/or sexual intercourse in your car.
As a noun: Hey let's 'hang out' at the drive-in.
As a verb: Hey let's drive-in and 'chill'
by @JSerna10 August 29, 2015
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v. Military slang. Phrase that means carrying on to complete a task or continuing despite hardship.
"What's the problem, soldier?"

"Well, Sergeant, the GPS is broken and I have to get to the rally point by 1400."

"How about you get the map out of the back of the vehicle and drive on, soldier?"
by welsknight January 4, 2009
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Gangland massacre whereby the assailant(s) will open fire from the window(s) of a slow moving vehicle and speed off once their clips are spent.
There was a drive-by in my hood yesterday
by Gumba Gumba February 21, 2004
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to ride in a car while someone else drives
Person in car: I'm driving to the office right now, but I can't talk. I have to finish typing up this report.

Person on phone: While you're driving?

Person in car: Well I'm not DRIVE driving; I'm just driving.
by atds March 8, 2009
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