One of the best Bands of the eighties. Now better known in music publications as "80's goth band the cure" which is accurate, but music journalists need to come up with a better descriptuion.
The Cure Rock the house...........
by Zyko March 18, 2004
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My favorite band. I was a bit dissapointed with their new album but who could top "Pornography," the masterpiece that describes Smith's darkest hour? Or maybe "Disintegration," the classic piece of art which feels like the voices and echos of the most beautiful beings on Earth are roaming inside your heart.
"I forget how to move when my mouth is this dry and my eyes are bursting hearts in a blood-stained sky"--Homesick
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Pure heaven. Best band ever and if you don't know who they are....grrrr.
:Puts on Cure cd and no longer hears the rest of the world:
by Darkdreamer February 9, 2004
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One of the greatest bands ever, Right up there with Depeche Mode, KMFDM, NIN, Nirvana, and tons of others that fucking rule. The 80's revolved around The Cure.
Robert Smith started singing and the girls all took their tops off.
by Andrushka February 11, 2004
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hey man wanna go see the cure play at coachella????

yeah wouldn't miss it for the world!
by xTaintedxLovex February 23, 2004
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A band that has made THE sexiest music EVER!!!
I was having sex with my girlfriend last night and The Cure was on and she was totally into it!
by Clarkey buttfunk January 8, 2007
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