1) to feel "in the middle. You're not extremely happy or sad, in the middle.
2) Moderate, not
1) "What's up?" Nm just boolin, highkey temperate

2) That test was hella hard. I think I failed." "Nah, to me it was kinda temperate"
by Klapping with Kermit September 24, 2016
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Da practice of using water-soluble egg/milk-based pigments to create designs on paper in an attempt to take you mind off "how dry you are" while trying to give up booze.
Employing temperance can indeed be a good way to occupy your mind anytime you feel the urge to drink; no fair intentionally inhaling da paint's vapors, though, if they're alcohol-based!
by QuacksO August 12, 2019
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It’s an adjective and it means having or showing a bad temper; being annoyed and irritable; being cranky or disagreeable. You know the sort of person, they come into work pissed off with everything and everybody and just looking for an excuse to blame somebody for everything that is wrong in their crappy lives, the world, the universe. Thoroughly unpleasant shitbags.
He’s nothing but an ill-tempered scrote.
by AKACroatalin April 29, 2015
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The act of having compassion then yelling & being pissed off to crying in a matter of minutes, all while mantaining an attitude.
by LatinaTruth July 27, 2015
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When someone stamps their feet and shouts and screams until they get their own way. What a spoilt brat.
by Urbantheturban July 8, 2019
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