1. A movie, show, or literature that has taken and processed by obfuscating the general plot by adding unnecessarily long conversations of a subject irrelevant to the plot (tarantino moments), random 70s style montages, women power that is obviously written or directed by men with a fascination with women's feet, and overrated gore and/or sex.

2. A movie, show, or literature that has had the general plot taken, and then bastardized into the form of what Quentin Tarantino believes is a great movie.
Bob - "Hey Joe! How was Inglorious Bastards?"

Joe - "Inglorious Bastards wasn't to bad. I like those old time spaghetti westerns of old wars. I can't wait to watch Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds!"

Bob - "Sweet! but just a for warning, the movie has been tarantinoized; don't expect to watch a remake. It's still good though."

Joe - "Are there subtitles?"

Bob - "More subtitles than spoken English."

Joe - "Darn. . ."
by The Smitty's G December 22, 2009
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A substitute term for filibuster.
The Tarantino kills bills.
Rachel Maddow suggested a new name for 'filibuster', as it was considered to be a boring, put-you-to-sleep term.
Used in a sentence, "The Senate was able to bring a health care reform bill to the floor only to have it die at the hands of the minority who invoked "The Tarantino."

(Used with all due respect to the acclaimed director.)
by sailboatslave February 23, 2010
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"To Tarantino" is to rip off wholesale, because you have no ideas yourself, and pretend it's a homage.
by Phantom Definition Writer November 9, 2005
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To propose a deal so juicy and enticing that the other party would be a fool to reject it.
Have you ever seen the movie Four Rooms?
Man, that last scene is one hell of a Tarantino!

Frankie: I just got a $500 coat for $20.
Sally: That deal is freakin' Tarantino!
by CheekyBottom July 26, 2009
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To copy somebody.To do something that you mate did first.

From the filmmaker Quentin Tarantino whose scenes in Kill Bill just one was of his own and he has swiped all the others 1000 scenes from other directors.
Oh dude, you're such a copycat, you tarantinoed me, I invented it.
by Marco92 August 16, 2009
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Noun. One who tarantinoes. also an idiot or stupid person. An insensitive, selfish, ignorant, cocky person who is inconsiderate and does stupid things.

Someone who acts like a jerk, or a chode.
That guy took your hamburger? What a tarantino!
by yoquindas June 20, 2007
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Besides Young Sinatra, rapper Logic’s second alter-ego goes by the name of Bobby Tarantio. Whereas Young Sinatra is referred to as the “old” Logic with an old-school style of rap, Bobby Tarantino is the side of Logic that raps and sings to trap music. This is the name of his fifth and sixth mixtapes called Bobby Tarantino and Bobby Tarantino II, which are a trap style mixtape. This name is also used to describe the trap style of music Logic makes.
Turn on some Bobby Tarantino stuff!
I perfer Bobby Tarantino over Young Sinatra. (Or vise versa)
by Machiniak April 8, 2018
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