Tampa is a city full of fakes in Central Florida. A place that tries to act progressive and on the move, but in reality is just a swamp once run by the KKK who segregated its African American population away from whites (read your history books about the lynchings, Morrisons, Lowry park, the white-only beaches across the bridge. Tampa is constantly holding its breath, praying you don't find out its truth. The truth is a bunch of future Confederates built the town next to a military fort, the town started out as a cotton port for cotton grown in the Eastern part of the County and Central Florida. When the slaves were set free and cotton went bust, they turned to citrus. Then these citrus barons, cattle kings and cotton broker's kids proceeded to bring Cubans to town to roll cigars, segregated them in a place called Ybor City and treated them like blacks along with the other "Latins" who also came for the cigar industry in the late 1800s. Then a few crackers partnered with some yanks to build ostentatious hotels and lay down railroads for rich Northerners to come visit. This all went bust, things stayed segregated and very Southern into the 1980s, but now the yankees, crackers and northerners are mixing like a soup with no name. Tampa tears down everything. Tampa has no idea who it is.
Tampa is gross.
by justme34 May 30, 2019
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A city in central Florida (the natives in tampa will try to convince you they are part of south florida but just ignore them they are the same people who have never been to south beach) where the guys are EXTREMELY thirsty due to a lack of hot girls, the only hot girls in Tampa are from Miami and the rest are ratchet af or redneck af, it is common to see Tampa men drooling over females visiting from south beach and trampa women hissing and snorting at them out of blinding jealousy
Man, Tampa has no hot girls! There are only five Miami level girls in the entire city and they're out of Tampa's league!
by whatareyougoingtodo February 16, 2013
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The most gangs in usa.92 percent of the inner city are drug dealers,gangs,and crimals.but the hardest town in the world.friday nights on main street at the zanzi bar makes up 60 percent of the fun.they like to fight,shoot,and rob,so be safe and watch your back.
go tampa!!!
west tampa the hardest part of tampa, 4way, msp, cnb, gittblock, deadend, uptop, killacounty, oakv, hpg those are the west tampa gangs.

jackson heights
central park
robles park
highland pines
grant park(yg)
palm river(58)
dirty game(15th)
suga creek
and more...
by jfdsiufb January 2, 2007
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A Florida city surrounded by areas that suck. A shining beacon in the middle of backswamp hick counties full of oxygen thieves. A traffic nightmare like no other - correction, like everything else in this state. One of the few non-tourist-traps that our state has to offer to entertain residents. Also one of the most dangerous places in the US, and home to some of the least successful sports franchises in existance.
by Rafn May 8, 2005
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A wannabe Atlanta. Ghetto in culture. People in tampa are known as "Tampons"
Hello, my name is william, im from tampa, so im a tampon
by Florida hater April 30, 2008
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A hype phrase used to recognize activity suitable of a tampa boy. Often used as a way to say "yes" to the boys.
Tampa boy 1: "Want to chug a busch light smoothie and sarf some above average west coast FL waves?"
Tampa boy 2: "Tampa Tampa"
by Tampaboy69 November 14, 2020
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A hype phrase used to recognize activity suitable of a tampa boy. Often used as a way to say "yes" to the boys.
Tampa boy 1: "Want to chug a busch light smoothie and sarf some above average west coast FL waves?"
Tampa boy 2: "Tampa Tampa"
by Tampaboy69 November 14, 2020
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