In World of Warcraft, is when you call upon your allies to assist you in pwning evil beasties of all sorts.
In real life however, is when you seduce a person, with a come-hither expression and demeanor used to pull the person in so that you can hug, snog, whatever it is you do once you seduce someone.
WoW: "AAHHH! 10 Murlocks are upon me!" *summons reinforcements*

IRL (In Real Life): *bites lip, lowers eyes* "I'm summoning you... is it working?" *winks*
by A Rebecca July 26, 2009
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much like the highly-addictive morrowindthis game slowly seeps all traces of real life out of you. it replaces all of your real friends and family with more powerful, fictional ones. eventually after playing this game enough you will become a junkie who spends all his time playing the damn game and never shuts up about it, and after a while you will get to the point where you suck at every fukin game except summoner.
Hey John, you wanna go to a party tonight?
No, i cant, i have to go assassinate jafar.
by 100% insane March 20, 2005
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Masturbation. Can be used for either males or females, as long as the act requires rubbing with a hand.
I spent all night summoning the genie when I shoulda been working on my term paper. Now it's going to be late and I have a hand cramp!
by FauxFoe February 13, 2018
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To light a cigarette while waiting for a bus at a bus stop. Derived from the belief in murphy's/sod's law, which states that a bus (on which smoking is not permitted) will always arrive shortly after a cigarette is lit.
(Man waiting for bus): "Ill just summon the bus.."
by oracle March 8, 2005
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Summoning the monkey: a euphemism for masturbation.

Originally coined by Liam O'Brien of the Critical Role D&D ensemble, and subsequently (maybe) made canon by DM Matt Mercer's explanation that summoning the monkey is the past time of many a wizard in their early years of training.
Sam: Have you seen Liam?
Laura: He's in the bathroom, probably summoning the monkey.
Sam: Thanks, I think I'll join him.
by Artagan000 May 4, 2021
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The best speedrunning Youtuber out there. A Youtuber that is both famous and unknown.
"Have you ever heard of Summoning Salt?"
by November 10, 2020
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When doing a girl, and before cuming pull out and start doing the hand signs to the Jutsu and ram it back in while screaming SUMMONING JUTSU
Last night she let me use the summoning Jutsu on her bro
by Daddy Debo December 30, 2021
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