What UrbanDictionary has a surplus of.
The Pyramids of Giza are a symbol that Julius Cesar and George Washington are on Mars! They both changed their names to Adolf Hitler and got enslaved by Abraham Lincoln!
The above sentences have way too much stupidity, but you will believe them because you read them on the Internet.
by Mr. Awesome II May 26, 2015
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Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
What stupidity man, you ate vegemite and found it tasted bad, and you tried it again, expecting it to taste better?
by ShadowCX11 July 6, 2015
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A new religion where some of the world famous religions combined to form. Also known as the G4 causes of sufferings around the world.
Christians + Muslims + Jews + Catholics = Stupidity

Books makes us kill

etc, bibles and korans
by Man of peace November 19, 2005
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The reason people write definitions of random idiots you've never heard of. See Samantha Yanske, Emily Chen, Carl Mueller, Jamie Dinardi, Tom Vanner, and Ginnie Telley, among countless others.
by Anonymous June 21, 2003
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Something that seems to be genetic
Teacher: What is 2x2
Kid 1: 4
Kid 2: 4
Kid 3: Bacon!
Kid 1&2: Have you ever heard of Stupidity
by Person of Earth June 1, 2011
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Someone (Shafin) that thinks that bragging about eating ice-cream is cool, even though the other party can literally walk over to the fridge and get an ice-cream.
Shafin, you are literally the definition of stupidity. I can walk over to the fridge and get one.
by Shadowdictionary September 19, 2013
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