The shape that cursed the town of Kurôzu-Cho.
This town is contaminated by the spiral.
by insomiq May 4, 2021
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To drink alcohol throughout the night and into the morning in place of sleeping.

To drink so much and become your alter drinking ego.
“We are going to spiral tonight.”

Spiral Squad!”
by Nmc1185774 November 26, 2018
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The point in which your mental decline goes from being linear, steady and constant, to exponential... like when a plane loses a wing and starts spiraling downwards. You either hit rock bottom or just die trying.
Alex: "Damn... he's in The Spiral."
George: "Yea, he won't be coming out anytime soon."
by joe7030 January 18, 2018
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Spiralism is for those who have been enlightened by the Sacred Spiral over Norway. We are those that believe in the magick that the spiral wields. Only we can save the Spiral from the grips of the evil Bermuda Triangle. Following the words of our prophet ALEX is the only path to salvation.
"Man, Hayden is the best spiralist Spiralism has ever seen... he's a regular spyro!"
by macwilson December 27, 2010
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A situation or action that is totally stupid, out of control; should not have been done in the first place.
Situation I walked into class when my pants fell down; man that's spiraling.

Action Writing a 10 page response for a one page response question; man you're spiraling.
by Nathaniel Bagnell November 2, 2006
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Billy: "That guy looks like a donkey, because his penis is very large"

Gorge: "No he's just a Spiral"
by Steven W. August 23, 2007
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When brunch turns into an all day drinking bender that ends up lasting until the wee hours of the morning.
“Wow. Today we are really spiraling.”
How do you feel after spiraling yesterday?”
“Only one drink at lunch. We aren’t spiraling today.”
by _freckles_ October 6, 2019
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