Noun: A person who exudes an aura of vintage, finesse and flamboyancy; commonly wearing exclusively vintage and/or thrifted clothes.
Ex. Stanley is such a Vintage-Spiller; that man definitely is a Vintage-Spiller
by Oliver Doyle January 17, 2023
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Large fatty tissue of the upper arm. This tissue is likely to knock over the gravy while reaching for an object on the opposite side of the table.
by Somebodyinok April 10, 2009
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A person who is absolutely addicted to spilling the beans, no matter what
Person: *tells secret
Person: Bro don't tell anyone, i hope you are not a bean spiller
Person 2: Trust me bro

Also Person 2: (on radio) Everybody, Joe told me that he lik-
by dragsbruh July 12, 2023
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Bong Spiller is where you take a bong and take a steaming hot shit in it and then nut inside of it and force someone to drink it.
Guy 1: please drink the Bong Spiller
Guy 2: ok
by brian33337 October 14, 2023
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the shit that spills out of your dughole after a crazy ass night involving miller lite
Larls got the miller spiller again, leave the house.
by LCMJ August 13, 2010
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One who spills soup somewhat consistently.
Dude1: Dude, what's wrong?
Dude2: Dude, I just spilled the soup on my new khakis.
Dude3: Ha Ha, Soup Spiller!!!
Dude2: Yea but these khakis are spill proof bra!
by Dahn April 22, 2008
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