When you injest a plentiful amount of meth that your speach becomes a bunch of shit no one can understand, a lick of "i dunno what the fuck i am trying to say" or what you are trying to say or speach. That is a speach-amphetimine.
Say you got that thingaslkjdnasfkjgn truck iddooo too much method of me head what did you say? Sorry you could not undersand what i said ....cuz I have a speach-amphetimine.
by jgiddy99 November 1, 2007
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Something said by someone of conservative beliefs that someone of liberal beliefs doesn't agree with.
President Bush should be charged with hate speach for saying the US will end terrorism.
by Eddie March 10, 2005
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A kind of speach used in video games. Often games like The Sims have their own version of Gibberish Speach.
Person 1: "That game doesn't have Beep Speach, it has Gibberish Speach!
by Raspyonic January 7, 2021
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The language of taking actual English words, retardizing them, and then using them in real life.

Clebe Speach was created by missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the East Cleveland area of the Columbus, Ohio mission as a joke that was just used by the elders in that area, but eventually spread to the entire Columbus, Ohio mission.
Here are examples and translations of Clebe Speach.
Example: No, no, no, no, Elmer that be dingskuntsing.
Translation: That is not good.

Example: Has gronch, gipt, gipt, gipt.
Translation: Pass the food.
Example: Lonk Elmer, bouncny ball.
Translation: Look Elder, a bouncy ball.
Example: Dingstrinct dingronchdingle
Translation: District devotional
by Cleber August 6, 2021
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A way of making video game characters speak. In the Animal Crossing franchise it's known as Bebebese. Often used in RPGs.
Person 1: "That game uses Beep Speach?"
Person 2: "Yeah."
by Raspyonic January 7, 2021
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