When you drink a LOT one night, and then the next day you drink a little but get very drunk. Just like when you shampoo and you just use a little bit and get tons of suds.
I only drank a beer but I shampooed from last night. I'm wasted !
by Oshkosshbygosh April 27, 2014
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A fake turd.

Derived from combination of sham and poo.
I thought the dog had managed to crap in the bathroom cabinet, but it was just shampoo.
by Pipe Downn March 22, 2010
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A liquid substance used by everyone, excluding those too poor to afford it, rednecks (they use soap instead), and the French (they hate showering).
Normal person: Shampoo is a part of my showering routine.

Poor person: I wish I could afford shampoo.

Redneck: I'm too much of a man to use shampoo.

French person: Je déteste pour verser. Je déteste le shampooing.
by Johnny Rocketfingers July 10, 2003
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Chinese Amazon girl from Ranma 1/2 who is in love with Ranma Saotome. She fell in "Spring of Drowned Cat," which cursed her to turn into a pink cat when splashed with cold water. When splashed with hot water, she returns to her human form. She works for her great-grandmother Cologne at the Cat Cafe in Japan.
Ni-hao, Ranma! You come to date with Shampoo, yes?
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Faced with an uncomfortable situation, to politely excuse oneself to the bathroom, only to never return.
It was the blind date from hell ... musky cologne, piece of spinach in his teeth, talking continuously about his ex-girlfriend ... so I went for a shampoo.
by Punch-in-the-face March 9, 2010
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A name used for a certain creed or race when you are surrounded by them and dont want to offend or be politically incorrect toward them.
Damn, all these shampoo's are hangin' out on Beale Street cause they are too cheap to pay the cover charge to get in the bars.
by Tha Orthodonist July 26, 2010
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last night I had to wash my hair but there was no shampoo so I had to use my boyfriends cum
by yuhhhhhhh June 24, 2019
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