Day when you have to give an orgasm to your girlfriend
B: just lie right here love.
G: why?
B: because it's September 25 today.
by Lovelyham September 24, 2021
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National bully Lucas day. This is a day where u are able to bully any Lucas u know.
What day is it today?
Oh today is September 25?
Really? Then that means today is National bull Lucas day.
by September 26, 2021
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The day that is 9 months after Christmas day. If you are born on this day, I am genuinely sorry for you. Your parents must've had more plans than opening presents and I bet the party was fun.
Person 1: My birthday is September 25th!
Person 2: You know that means your parents 'did it' on Christmas day, right?
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Y/n: yo wanna go to the school bathroom?
Y/n: ye but why
Y/n: oh yk.. today is September 25th

Y/n:oh… alright
by Your_weird September 21, 2021
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Connor Wickersham’s birthday. I fucking hate you Connor 🖕
“Bro it’s September 25.” “Dude it’s bitch boy’s birthday.”
by Lolitsurmomsbitch September 26, 2021
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my brother was born on September 25.”
by roachboy December 9, 2019
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people born on this day are the best people you will ever meet :)!!!
1: “hey are you born on September 25th?”

2: “yeah why?”

1: “okay you have to be my friend now”

2: “okay”
by radical kiddo September 25, 2021
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