adjective: a being who possess a need for constant sex, much like the animal.
Man Anthony is so horny. He's such a seahorse
by Maximo the great May 25, 2010
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A 46 year old man sticking ice cubes up a horses nose for fun
Person 1: Hey Person 2 what do you like to do for fun
Person 2: I’m a seahorse
by Eggineer December 28, 2019
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1. a species of aquatic animal, especially one that is so beautiful and cute
2. an aquatic animal that looks good on blankets, towels, little bags, etc..
I love the seahorses, they're so beautiful and cute. I love 'em

Seahorses. Forever.
by T-roy Jaankins March 26, 2011
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A guy who is totally smitten with a girl. If a guy really likes a girl, then he is said to want to have her babies like a seahorse. (Much like if a girl really likes a guy, it is said that she wants to have his babies.)
"Yeah, we've been seeing each other for several months; this guy is totally my seahorse"

"Do you want to have her babies like a seahorse?"
by Ellie A. Nor May 5, 2006
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a decrepit, vile, piss ridden bar located in dundalk, md..usually claims home to the most disgusting of the alcoholic residents/ pill poppers/ hot mustard willys, the bathroom is always covered with the smell of failure and obesity. and piss. the beer is over priced, the women are over weight and the men are over confident and most commonly wear shirts that are way too tight and reek of over bearing wal-mart cologne.. strippers frequent this fine establishment to purchase goods from the many drug dealers that hang out. also be careful who you buy a drink for as most of the consumers are underage.. the best part is the cops hang out right outside and often lock people up right on either side of the bridge for dui but people still go there...all in all the seahorse is a fantastic place to not go to
hey dom you want to go to the seahorse tonight....?

nah jack, i just got a dui last week right out side of that shit ass bar!!!
by crzywhtboyjack66 September 13, 2011
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A quarter-note rest in music, because of its shape.
This music is boring! There's nothing but seahorses for twenty bars!
by pentozali March 19, 2008
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Injecting large amounts of tadpoles up a mans ass until they explode out of his anus. Very similar to the way a male seahorse gives birth to its young.
"I asked him if he wanted to try seahorsing and he looked at me like I was some kind of freak!"
by fistymcbeefpunch January 18, 2014
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