As a saw moves back and forth through a tree, so does the penis move through the anus spraying debris. See anal shavings.
Last night when my boyfriend performed anal sex on me, my asshole underwent extreme friction causing the dreaded sawdust effect leaving flung skin and fecal matter everywhere. Damn, what a mess.
by Allen Schmidt June 4, 2003
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Poor quality Cocaine.

When you have a craving for cocaine but you know product quality is most likely going to be very poor.
Local dealers are slinging absolute crap.

We rolled the dice with a shakey connect.

It was the Devil’s Sawdust.

We spent the next day wih nosebleeds and headaches.
by FroggyBumBum. August 14, 2019
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Sawdust man is the most neutralest neutral. One of the more reconditrous members of Roblox's Cult of The Noobs. He enjoys gloves and his state of mind is always under a rock. Sawdust Man is uncultured and typically clueless of memes and generally what goes on in daily life. he also has problems misspelling things because yes. When Sawdust Man is sad he observes frogs extremely closely, and when satisfied with life he speaks word of the wise. Sawdust man is its own culture, but not completely yet defined. There has been a recent discovery about Sawdust Man's habit of misspelling: As we all know, Sawdust Man is made of sawdust. The sawdust of which he is composed of is godly, but also comes from trees that come from all over the world. This causes the tree spirits within his sawdust to mix together when he speaks, some in different languages. This is what is thought to cause his habit of what we like to call speaking Reconese, although it has yet to be confirmed.
Sawdust man is pretty rad. I heard he likes cookies. I also heard that he is the new leader of the hivemind!
by Sawdust Man May 2, 2021
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When a penus (or finger) is going in and out of someone's anal cavity and the dingleberries go flying like sawdust.
While Tyrone was sawdusting the tailpipe of Teresa, dingleberries flew into the salad Jane was tossing in the corner.
by Shaqueeda Lorenzo October 23, 2006
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1: when an old man orgasms

2: when you have orgasmed so many times nothing comes out
john: "dude, my girl is crazy, she had us going at it so hard i was shooting sawdust by the end of the night"
by Solomon King June 19, 2021
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The sawdust-like material accumulating at the bottom of the cereal bag. It is often poured on top of the last bowl of cereal, by accident, as you always forget it is going to be there. Cereal sawdust is not pleasant.
I woke up this morning and poured some cereal. Not much left in the box, just a few flakes and then a ton of cereal sawdust. I was pissed.
by quignugget July 2, 2010
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If you can quickly slip this phrase into a conversation, it'll keep the dumbest person present thinking for a while, then suddenly exclaim, "Wait.. WHAT?"
Elis: What took you so long?
Lucia: I had to shower!
Frank: Why not shower later?
Lucia: I was dirty!
Elis: Would you rather be covered in sawdust and semen?
Lucia: Yes! Wait... WHAT?
by The Jiggle May 17, 2006
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