when you make somebody feel like shit and they totally fuck you over.
"Dude! That was shitty! You totally satched me!"
by Amanda March 8, 2004
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That act of being soaked or wet. Usually refers to water but has been used in the context of alcohol.
'Did you see that torrential downpour ? I forgot my umbrella and got absolutely satched'

'I drank so much beer last night, I was fookin' satched'
by Arhtur August 14, 2005
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Noun. Short form of "satchel," meaning a bag of marijuana. Some circles will also use "Satchel Paige."
I'm dry, Dog. You know where I can score a satch?
by Lono April 18, 2005
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to satch, ie: to complain or bitch

also can be inserted for any word
hey quit satching me!


why are you always satching me
by Hunter Ellis May 24, 2005
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When one gets dual kicked in the sack. One foot per nut. Just go for it.
Example #1: Surprise. You got fuckin' satched, bitch --

Example #2: "Made stink eyes at a dude across the sidewalk. He and his crony came up and destroyed my groin. #Satched #Hospital2K21"
by BreezyVanillaBean June 19, 2021
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