A sexy boy who falls in love easily and always go with some girl starting with letters Son. He loves making everyone happy and likes everyone but especially son
#sonali #hot
by jagathini love Ragul December 3, 2018
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A small human (munchkin) who draws striking resemblances to the God known infamously as "Shrek." A surprisingly good waffler, and very passionate about Simba. From a personal viewpoint, i do indeed say that this person is like Simba, but more so like Shrek in every way possible. Also, their violin sounds like a kazoo and they should really look into replacing that.
You watched that Shrek film, aka Sarane.

Your violin sounds like Sarane-get a new one asap.
by The violin King January 25, 2021
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the original (1950s,early 1960's ?)clear foodwrap that teens used when they were too scared to go buy condoms
I'm a saran wrap baby.
by Jake March 7, 2004
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What Yanks and other fools call Cling Film. Saran isn't even a word.
"Have you seen the Saran Wrap?"

"What the hell is Saran Wrap!?"
by Humphrey Spencer III Esq. February 1, 2022
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I'd love to go to the club with my girlfriends tonight, but I can't get away from saran man.
by Jewels4 May 21, 2008
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when your nuts stick to your leg so intensly that your completely convinced that you have commercial grade saran wrap between your legs. ( common cure, pam )
dam its hot out here and i got a serious case of saran sack
by sgt holman September 16, 2006
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When someone states that someone is so hot,that they would be willing to wrap their face with saran wrap,and allow the hot person to deficate on them.
"Is Jessica Alba saran wrappable?"

"she is so hot that I would be willing to cover my face with saran wrap,and let her shit on my face!"
by Texas Pornstar August 16, 2011
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