Saki is a japanese name for a greek child.
Saki is eight years old. He is also greek.
by Mikal S. May 8, 2005
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A Japanese girl, experienced in the art of mamahuhu
Saki is SO mamahuhu
by Mr. Longy October 7, 2008
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The worst black haired japanese girl that i ever created, she's emo. A literally Kyoko kiririgi kinnie + Maki harukawa kinnie = her
She loves to hear her hot hypnotist gf talk all the time because she's so hiperactive lol
Girl M: Hey did you hear of that one girl that killed a guy because he insulted her gf?
Girl A: YEAH! She's Saki my gf, that guy was a headache to me so she beat him up
Girl M: Ayo wtf how is Saki so strong??
Girl A: Idk she never told me tbh
by Akikospersonalchair April 12, 2022
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Saki may be a reference to the cupbearer in the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyam.
saki, poem
by digitaltransaltion05 July 26, 2012
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(verb) a word to describe a major screw up, usually used in past tense of 'saki-ed'
Student 1: I saki-ed. D:
Student 2: What's wrong? What did you do?
Student 1: I forgot that there is chemistry midterm tonight and totally forgot to study for it.
by your best friend. <3 February 19, 2012
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skinny rich person who likes to bring other people down
That girl is soooo a Saki.
by TiDi April 14, 2007
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This word is NOT EVEN ENGLISH !!! This word got me in such big trouble at WWF (Words with Friends). It just does not make any sense to me. With that said, It seems that I might need to DRINK A SAKI just to get a few hours of sleep. Are you kidding me or what??
I Cannot Understand How Saki as a word and Drink can effect the body, heart and Soul.
by atomicow April 17, 2013
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