synonym for Over rated. Ric Flair is the most over rated wrestler of all time. The only reason anyone thinks he is great is because hes been telling you that for 30 years so people started bieleving it.
Ric flair is the womenizing, wanker flashing, brain washing, sob
by Totally Tyler TM April 13, 2008
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a Ric-Flair; Stay away from old mate tholly tonight, he's fucken Ric-Flairing it.
by Daryl714 September 9, 2019
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To violently chop somebody across the chest, and then yell, "Woooo! Naitcha Boi Ric Flair! Jet flying, limousine ridin' stylin' and profilin' thirteen time world heavyweight champion! Woooo!" Gotta do the strut too.
As Andrew rounded the corner, I Ric Flaired him. He was initially suprised and hurt, but when I went into the rant and busted out the strut, he slipped into hysterics.
by Dee Snutz July 6, 2006
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A sexual act where directly before climax the man pulls out his penis, jizzes on the girl's breasts, and gives her an open-handed slap to the chest while yelling "WHOOOOOO!"
I was watching vintage wrestling footage last night. Then my girlfriend came over and I Ric Flaired her during sex. She thinks I'm the sweetest man ever.
by NatureBOYYYY June 2, 2009
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The act of thrusting your entire penis forcefully into the vagina at the onset of intercourse causing your partner to yell, "Woooooo" from being surprised. Her response (Wooooo) is paying homage to legendary Professional Wrestler Ric Flair.
When I snuck into my girlfriend's house and gave her the Ric Flair, her "Wooooo" just about woke up her parents.
by DBoyd March 30, 2006
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To ejaculate on to your own hand then slap it across your partner's chest shouting WOOOOOOO!
"I was Ric Flairing my girlfriend last night and she didn't see the funny side"
by CookieMonster14 November 24, 2019
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