A person that is shy and can be funny. A Rhett is usually tall with blonde hair, he is a great lover and will protect anyone he/she cares about. He/she tends to get hurt a lot. Sometimes he/she can be depressed but he never tries to show it. If he/she meets the right person in their life they will love you for an eternity. Don't EVER get on the bad side of him/her you WILL regret it. If you are lucky enough to meet a Rhett in your life make sure you never let him/her go. If you are in a relationship with Rhett love him/her forever. <3<3
Person 1: Did you see (him/her) ?!

Person 2: Yeah I think that's Rhett!
by Ind0m1nusR3xx June 14, 2018
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A dangerous teacher-like creature that imitates a real history teacher, he will show the class trauma-inducing footage/pictures such as medieval dicks therefore getting the real teacher fired.
Mr.Johnson was recently fired because a Rhett imitated him and did unforgivable acts as him.
by sumsarious the III February 12, 2023
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Rhett is a very sweet boy with a weird, dirty sense of humor. He isn't always the tallest but that doesn't matter, since he's incredible when he plays sports, hockey is his strong suit. He loves his friends and tends to get protective if they are threatened. He's typically smart and kind, although he could be oblivious to your true feelings of him at times. Although he may not show he likes a girl, chances are he does.
Girl one: Why is he so oblivious?

Girl two: Because he's Rhett.
by Sexycookie December 15, 2018
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To be elusive or to want more of something unatainable. To be obstinate just in spite!
Oh Rhett! Come back... or Would you like help ma'am "no thanks" ok then bitch help yourself I aint gonna now!
by R H E T T November 30, 2006
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One of the most amazing guys u will ever meet. He is one of the sweetest guys I have ever met... personally. U might know a guy named Rhett but trust me he can’t compare. Someone who u will want by ur side through thick and thin bc u know he will be there to help. Has his moments but it honest and doesn’t care what u think about him. Not easy to let go. I feel so lucky texting him. Pretty sure u would too...!
Girl: did u see Rhett last night

Other girl: yah just makes ur heart melt don’t it
by Dumb_person June 14, 2019
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Rhett an awesome person really handsome and great husband or boyfriend material he is Kind and loving and loves basketball. He likes kind people and he is smart. If you meet someone named Rhett 1. He will make your day 2. Your lucky 3. Get to know him. He is a great listener its kinda rare to see him get mad.
Remember if you see a" Rhett" stay calm and if your lucky you and him will be a couple.
by Lion loves Lion March 20, 2019
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When rubbing one out, you place your back against the wall with your toes touching the floor and try to catch your own spooge in your mouth.
The way Rhett masterbates.
by Ben Dover 4 U April 28, 2005
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