founded by mojo. is used to as a reference to Tamil People :)

regit limat = tamil tiger backwards :)
look at those regil limats
by Jason December 21, 2004
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It is a slang for Big Cats ( AKA - tigers, leopards, foxes )
The Regit are now an endangered species
by TB0GT February 21, 2023
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hes a kool guy and all but has been dumped far too often, usually says something like "yea i just got a 99.9% mums gonna kill me lol" or "yea ud knw a lot about being/getting ..."
Jewshan: yoo regit how'd u do on the test
Regit (bkf): yea i got a 95% my moms gonna bring out the ruler
Jewshan: dude u got a 95% how the hell r u gonna get beaten

Regit (bkf): yea ud knw alot about getting beaten
Jewshan: *visible confusion*
by kroissantman February 21, 2021
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