\`rea'son`ing\ n.

1. Logical thinking
2. A word not many devout religious followers are comfortable with (no offense).

(3. Sign of the "anti-christ"?)
1. With simple reasoning and logic, Michael figured out the lateral thinking problem.
2. The atheist/disbeliever pissed off the priest (or rabbi, cleric, etc) by using logic and reasoning to question the Bible (torah, quran, etc).
by The Light of Reason February 22, 2005
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A song that was good until it got overplayed.
"All right, The Reason is on, I love this song!"

2 days later: "Oh shit, not The Reason again!"
by Mike the Ekim February 4, 2006
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What you say when you don't want to give the real reason.
Who's that?
Oh, just a friend; why do you ask?
No reason. (secretly insecure, jealous, sizing the other person up)
by SuposedlyKnowledgeable April 14, 2021
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Originally found in an engrish advertisement for Japanese sake, "for reasons" has come into common usage to ironically or sarcastically point out either obvious reasons for a thing, or a complete lack of explanation. It is also used to point out a nonsensical or untrue explanation, or to avoid giving an actual explanation.
You can buy water inside, but they won't let you bring in your own water, for reasons.

Yeah, they won't let you use your cell phone on an airplane, for reasons.

Urban Dictionary editors keep deciding to not publish my word, for reasons.
by AnonymousBoschToo June 19, 2019
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Miranda: Why can't you go swimming?
Shae: Reasons
Miranda: Oh.
by TheRealMandi August 1, 2008
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A title of a song by a kick ass band called Hoobastank.
"I've found a reason for me, to change who i used to be, a reason to start over new, and the reason is you"
by angelic_creature June 18, 2004
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Lack Of A Reason.
The Shit Fairy Just Visited Me For No Reason!
by god is a bidoof November 27, 2014
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