Your first name, Rany, makes you independent, resourceful, practical, and patient. You could be inventive along scientific or technical lines.

Although you are not naturally spontaneous in musical or artistic expression, you can develop technical proficiency along these lines.

You are fussy about details and seek perfection in whatever you undertake.

Being somewhat wilful and skeptical, you learn best through your own experiences and seek proof though facts. You work best alone, making your own decisions, and learning from your own experiences. Despite your loyalty to friends, your communication at times is stilted, too candid, and frank.
He/She achieved a worldwide nobilty, that Rany
by Goolkoolfoolschmuck January 19, 2018
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1. Hindi word for Queen

2. It is kind of a Hindi slang word for addressing a beautiful girl or any girl you are interested in ( BTW all girls are beautiful :) ) . It is kind of a playful and has hint of naughtiness in addressing a lady. May get you in trouble but if it is appreciated it will work like a charm. Note: This can only work for desi chics and ladies who know hindi

3. It could be a name or nick name of a lady
1. She is rani of Magadh
2. When a beautiful girl passes by one or one sees her at a distance. One could say out loud or to his friend " What a rani man !" or "Wish she could be my rani" . One could just say "raaaannniii !!!" this is a very distinctive way of saying it and for the effect it has to be said as it is written as "Raaaaa"..."nii".
3. My daughter's name is rani.
by ATopDawg October 18, 2009
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A beautiful Hebrew name that literally translates to " My Song "

Also can refer to "joy" and "song"

Unisex name, but is totally hot for a guy, especially if he plays music. One of the most edible names out there.

Rani brings sunshine on a cloudy day and is totally funny, smart and caring.
He's such a Rani, little sassy too
by pinktoolbox April 21, 2009
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A bad bitch light skin princess who don't fuck with nobody. Typically carrying around a switch blade, waiting to use it on anyone that strikes her sideways. Talents include, ninjii chopping, beating ass, and looking like a two ton honey bun.
Damn, Ranie is a bad bitch, I wouldn't fuck with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by badbitch14 January 24, 2017
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Rani is a boy with a big dick and is a fuckboy but is still a very nice boy. he has many friends and his friends love him. but he has a dark side and is probably depressed. but Rani is s loving friend and always gives you a shoulder to cry on.
Rani is very nice
by JohnAndyson December 10, 2019
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Rani is an absolute legendary person and should be protected at all costs. They are hard to find but imperative to keep. Rani’s are one of a kind and must be kept close and do not let them go. They will brighten your life and easily make you smile. A rani is undoubtedly the smartest and most talented person in the friendship group and is definitely the girl you go to when you need some help. Rani is by far the most precious and gorgeous wholesome human on the planet and MUST BE PROTECTED. Also a rani is great at blowing up balloons and has a great choice in music. Love your rani and treat her like a queeeeeeen! A rani deserves the absolute world and all the good there is. Rani is a great buddy to go shopping with and be sure to feed your rani lots of ramen and chipotle in order to keep her happy. Make sure to look after your beautiful rani and treat her with lots of respect as she deserves everythingggg.
I wish I was more like Rani, she is super cool and talented!
by thelifesaverthatisramen July 12, 2020
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