A social science best described as the study of how environmental stimuli influence an animal's behavior. Fundamental concepts such as Pavlovian Conditioning and Instrumental Conditioning are the basic Principles behind learned behavior and can be used as one method of explaining any kind of behavior.

Psychology is one of the easiest ways for a slacker (like me) to obtain a B.Sc. without concern for natural sciences like Chemistry, Calculus, Physics et c. It's legitimacy is apparently controversial, judging by the other definitions listed, but let's not forget that this is URBAN DICTIONARY.

It is true that many students major in Psychology, and they're also the ones you'll find in some Pub during midterm week because they got their studying done early. Not all Psychology majors want to be shrinks, some just want to get a degree and get the fuck out with as little effort as necessary. Isn't that what University has become these days? A B.Sc. is, after all, a B.Sc.
Guy one: Hey man, what did you think about that Psychology class?

Guy two: Good enough. Let's go get a beer and a burger and then we'll party in the dorms.

Guy three: okay, fuck those med students man, not everyone is cut out to be a doctor.

Guy one: yeah, I'm a lazy piece of shit. But whatever.
by dougdougdoug September 26, 2007
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The biggest joke of a University course ever. Generally consists of about 5 hours a week max with half of those being cancelled every other week. Nearly always taken by those keen to go out and get drunk rather than get a proper degree. Hence students of the course are often referred to as keenos. Highly recommended to those who want to go to University but not do any work, just go out, get smashed and usually sleep with anyone that is a 2/10 or above. Therefore become a stellato when drunk quite often too.
Flatmate: "Are you revising tonight?"

Psychology student: "fuck no!"

Flatmate: "Oh yeah, I forgot you were a psychology student"
by G6 laddd January 12, 2013
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Allegedly a science that consists of the study of human mind and behaviour. However, when looked at scientifically, most of it pretty much boils down to the answers "hypothalamus!" or "pituitary gland!"

It's more of a pseudo-science with some endocrinal biology thrown in although Psychology students tend to also claim that stuff "happened during childhood"
Psychology is the study of analysing mood swings using the word hypothalamus
by DR T J S M Black June 27, 2007
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A major in which people, mostly women, study to "understand" better life, and human behavior; Psychology is also known as the most burned major, of all college majors, because it's everyone's major at one point of their life as college students. Psychologist believe to be intellectual-beings, which in 99% they are not, and don't even fucking understand their heroes meant to say in their written works and efforts to contribute to the science field of psychology, For Example, Freud, Rogers, etc. Also Psychologist give therapy to people with "life problems", economic, unresolved child development issues and marital and socioeconomic, psychosocial problems, and psychologist think they know everything about life, when don't realize how life really hard is, and they usually live in apartments and rented rooms, because most of them are mediocre; I don't mean to stereotype not all psychologist are ignorant, some of them are really intellectual and philosophical. Most pretty girls study psychology, just for the sake of completing a "professional career", but most of them just study in the mean time they find a suitable husband with a real career, with true commodities and real hard-worked-made money. Most Psychologist screw your head even-more in order to take more and more of your money within each visit you make to their forced therapy......
Mariana is studying psychology, she is a rich bitch, and thinks she knows everything about life, and thinks life is easy as making a sandwich. I've known her for almost 10 years, and talks to me on a disrespectful manner; when I finally raised my voice and told her, I wouldn't be taking her shit anymore, she got horny and offered me sex. She is a girl that enjoys Sadomasochism (pleasure on feeling pain or humiliated), and likes being treated like a garbage, even though she is on a psychology major and she is supposed to understand what is to be a normal human-being and not to enjoy irrational pain, on being treated like garbage like every other psychology student should......
by The_philosopher88 March 13, 2013
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The attempt to understand why each person reacts differently to the same situation.
Modern psychology is mostly comprised of unrelated hypotheses patched together in an effort to make a valid theory.
by Diggity Monkeez February 5, 2005
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Psychology, what just about every sorority chick majors in.
by Mr. Daniels April 15, 2008
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Psychology: a front group for global concensus manipulators, which is a front group for psychiatry, which is a front group for socialism, which is is a front group for communism, which is a front group for The Fabien Bean Growers Society, which is a front group for institutionalisation, which is a front group for very sneaky, bold face lying child molesters who don't believe in Hell and use institutions to convert and terrorise those that do believe in Hell, so that they can have their pick and choice of child rape victims worldwide and get away with it.
"My child isn't the same after he got ill and saw a psychology practitioner."
"Why don't people in psychology see alien abduction stories as rape trauma combined with forced drugings, terrorism and brainwashing and false memory induction by communist molesters?"
by psychologyisbad June 2, 2014
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