A misspelled version of the word plebeian. Spelling it this way will make you look like a fucking bitch.
Person 1: Yeah, that's great if you're a PLEBIAN.
Person 2: Hey shitface, I got you a present.
Person 1: Really, what?
Person 2: It's a revolver loaded with one bullet. A note's attached that says: "Can you take a hint?" Well, can you? Can you take a fucking hint?
Person 1: Yes. Yes I can.
(Person 1 walks away with gift. Sound of gunshot follows shortly thereafter.)
Person 2: ...plebeian.
by castledelosmuertos January 10, 2008
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Damn that plebian neighbour and his circular saw, he has given me a headache, and disturbed my enjoyment of this sunny day.
by evesere April 2, 2017
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Used on 4chan's /g/ board to mock the simplicity of Debian by mixing the words plebeian en Debian into plebian. Saying Debian users are plebeian or plebs for not using operating systems like Arch or Gentoo.
by zealiosformyfeelios December 14, 2016
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The idiots in New York who try to lay claim public property along their house such as the parking space curb outside their property line. Plebian Repossession is king in Staten Island and it has begun its plague to neighboring boroughs like Queens. Most Plebian Repossessions are enforced with the use of a cone,but are not legally allowed. Those with audacity will call the the tow truck who is just as smug so be vigilant of your car when it's on public property in danger of Plebian Repossession.
Josh: Yo I parked outside the driver on the curb next to this house and these clowns took my car!
Jake: Plebian Repossession bro, the curb is public property and the house owner probably called it.
Josh: Why the fuck they doing this in Queens?!
Jake: It's those Staten Islanders bro, they treat unspoken rules like Legal. Now it spread like some social disease!
by Capuchin for Hire October 2, 2023
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peasant; serf; the lowest of the low; mud groveler; dependent upon the protection of their feudal lord and at the mercy of a single harsh winter or famine. The Plebian is but a dirt stain upon the face of the Earth, toiling and tilling at the ground to feed the fat bellies of those who step upon their backs; a feudal footstool; a voiceless lot who know their worthlessness and misery. The Plebian is summed up as a means to an end.
Ah, look at that Plebian over yonder. Thank goodness thy are of the Artisan class and needn't livest amongst such miserable, voiceless company.
by George the Merchant March 22, 2020
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a plebian is a person who like nicotine. (They are usually underaged)
by Spongebobiscool March 7, 2019
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