A protruding chin on a female where you can rest your testicles while she is performing fellatio
Bill: Caitlin gave me a gobby last night
Terrence: Did you use the perch?
by Big Timmah March 2, 2014
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similar to planking but crouching down as an owl would. sitting in a crouch like a catcher in baseball would and placing hands down in between legs.
The top of the drive thru sign at in-n-out was a great place for a perching pic.

I was perching on the ledge of the building before the cops came and arrested me for "disturbing the peace"... tools.
by Patricio Finnegante July 18, 2011
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When you’re mad chilling in a comfy spot or being completely content at where you are.
Usually used in reference to being in a usual spot or watching something like a bird.
Come out with us tonight!”
Nah thats ok man I’m perched.”
by SarMyName December 10, 2017
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to hang out in a creepy fashion (ie: in the corner); to observe from afar; a form of voyeurism.
Man that dude is such a creep, why is he perching in the corner?
by C Burnett February 11, 2008
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The act of using more effort to place a piece of trash on top of an already filled garbage can instead of emptying it.
I was in a hurry so I ended up perching my empty box of pop tarts on the top of the garbage can.
by Hoodrat & Gunshow March 7, 2011
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Chill. Adding -in to the end makes it perchin, which means fucking straight up chilling.
1.Thomas: Dude that kids a total douchebag

Dave: Nahh that kid's fuckin perch man

2. Thomas: What are you doing tonight?

Dave: Just perching at home, lets have a fucking booty call
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