a pp has a very complex meaning to any child, for those who are simple minded the pp is just a body part, however those who have truly experienced tranquility will understand the true pp and the true meaning of why pp hard.
by Spoopy Chicken October 3, 2018
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1. A man's penis
2. A bird's primaries (wingtips)
3. Used when referencing multiple pages
1. My pp started throbbing when a hot chick walked by
2. A Hammond's Flycatcher has longer pp than a Dusky Flycatcher
3. Chapter 12 (pp. 122-137) of the book explains proper masturbation techniques
by (****()) August 30, 2022
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male's genitals, if you're a male look between your legs and the dangly looking thing there is called "PP"
"you have small PP"
by chinchin99cm January 27, 2020
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Used as slang for penis, also can be used for some loser’s initials so his friends can make fun of him.
Pelvis Pinocchio: hi my name is Pelvis Pinocchio
Person: ...PP?
Pelvis Pinocchio: What?
Person: You’re PP!
Pelvis Pinocchio: I have a pp!
Person: oh nice
by skrt skrrrrrrt December 9, 2018
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Dang let me lick your pp please!


Give me your pp please i'm hungry.
by mala+chi=malachi March 29, 2019
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Means profile picture or penis, it is also an extremely funny word.
Example 1:
"Hey, look at this pp."
"Ew, what the hell dude, that's fucking gay."

Example 2:
"Hey, guess what."
*laughing hysterically*
by Lintboiii February 10, 2019
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