abbreviated form of penis
'your pn is so large'
'that can not be his pn!'
by Bo'diddly November 10, 2003
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Term for Penis commonly used in IRC
by John Blaze January 14, 2003
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short for penis, often used in irc
by jim January 16, 2003
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Post Netflix Syndrome. When you're done watching a really good season or series and you experience an extreme desire for more of that show. This is often the spark of emotion that inspires people to create fan pages or obsess over characters.
Hey Rachel, did you finish watching that Netflix show Thirteen Reasons Why?
Yeah dude, that gave me some serious PNS; I was crying all night.
by slickbait1099 April 19, 2017
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Pns (pronounced Pinuss) are the finest race in the entire universe. They were created by Pns God 'Penis' about 2893393 trillion years ago and are forever embroiled in constant conflict with the Vgn, the scum of the Pns universe which must be annihilated. Pns have the ability to shoot energy from their hands and they weild Pns Blades / Blasters etc into battle. Pns live for about 2924 trillion years each of course, DAH!
Pns: Ah, greetings Pns brother, how many Vgn have you slayed today?
Other Pns: About ten billion, DBOC!
by pnsgeneral November 21, 2011
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Post-Nightmare Syndrome. When you stay up for ahwile after having a nightmare, or just the annoying replay of scenes fom the nightmare the day after having it.
Person #1: Dude I stayed up for two hours after that nightmare last night
Person# 2: yeah....PNS sucks.
by Jessie!Punk13 November 19, 2012
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Frec doesn't have a pns
by Nick January 13, 2003
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