Quite possibly the coolest and most profitable country in the whole world. Is better than everyone except Germany and America in the Winter Olympics, therefore proving its awesomeness. A very cold (cool) northern country in Europe, is a Nordic and Scandinavian country. Has more money per person then any other country, and is quite possibly the whitest place on earth. Example: white-skinned, blue-eyed, blond-haired Norwegian rappers
That guy from Norway is so white, he blends in with the snow
by HÆrdcøre February 26, 2010
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1. Award wining country design by Slartibartfast.
2. Location of the German secret weapons facility in return to castle wolfensthein.
3. The real life version Hoth from star wars.
4. Location of hamerfest-base: the last levels in C&C Tiberian sun.
5. a Mecca for terrorists who want protection and a comfortable life
1. Norway, isn’t that the country Slartibartfast won that fjord award for.
2. Your mission is to infiltrate the German secret weapons facility in norway
3. Wow Norway is really as could as Hoth
4. NOD has attack the hamerfest-base in Norway
5. -Immigration authority: what is your occupation
-Mullah Krekar: I am a terrorist leader.
- Immigration authority: well in that case I guess you need protection and a free lawyer then.
by slicer May 18, 2004
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NORWAY! only the best place ever. home to blondes, lots of snow, fjords, FISH, shitty scandinavian rap, a language that is hard for the american native to speak/understad but who cares americans are lame anyway, fish, some swedes, and mostly FISH! only the best country ever. go there or..else?
hey what are you doing today
i'm going fishing
oh right you're from norway.
by ichliebenorge May 28, 2005
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A country where women are fit, hot and they are smart, although they're blond.
The guys are sexy as fuck and they¨re usualy tall, beef and rich.
They litteraly swim in money, cause they have shitloads of Oil in the sea.
"Oh, look at that hot lady over there, she's probably from Norway"
"Damn look how tall and handsome that guy is, and so rich too! He is probably norwegian"
"Oh damn, your breath smells like oil, you must be norwegian and therefore rich too!"
by El Gigante Blanco November 6, 2012
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the best contry ever, and the richest one, and the contry with the best babes!
-wow! what is that?
-it's Norway!
-ah, coooool!!!!!!!!
by Z April 9, 2005
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Home of "helnorsk svartmetall!"
Home of "True Norwegian Black Metal!"

The birthplace of many Black Metal bands such as Immortal, Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Massemord, such and such!!
I love Darkthrone.
I love Immortal.
They are so cool.
by Ihsahn December 5, 2004
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fish: hello i live in norway

person: let me eat you
by norwayman April 11, 2021
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