When you say something that sounded unintentionally gay.
John: I want to see your dick. No homo
Friend: What the fuck?
by Cerixem August 14, 2016
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1.) A phrase that you say after a potentially gay sentence or act and get away with it without actually being considered a homosexual.

2) A phrase to cover up your gay side after a gay sentence or act because you ARE actually a homo but you're not out of the closet yet.
1) "Stay on my ass. No Homo."

2) "Yeah, Paul and I also like to get oiled up and wrestle each other naked for 30 minutes and then take a long hot bath together listening to Celine Dion. No homo."
by urbanwiktionary September 30, 2009
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A word you HAVE to say after saying or doing something that might sound or look gay
I wanna suck your dick so bad...no homo
by Rickitan May 23, 2017
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No homo is a term usually used to avoid a gay moment. The thing is the word can only be used in a 5 second time frame. Anytime out of that time what you say is seen as gay and you are gay my guy.
For example“bro I wanna nail you,...no homo tho” it’s not gay because it was in the time frame.
by Bootyeater2-3 March 18, 2019
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A pass to say or do anything you want that is gay
TOD: hey bro, do me a favor and suck my dick

Jerry: ok, no homo
by Dhfd March 16, 2018
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Something one would say, usually a male, after they say something that sounds gay but they’re straight so they say no homo.
Guy 1- not gonna lie, I would fuck Ryan

Guy 2-
Guy 1-

Guy 2- tHaTs gAy

Guy 1- oh no homo
Guy 2- oh okay
by HelloMyNameIsNatAndBeingGayIsM September 23, 2018
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Said after a phrase that could possibly be interpreted as gay.

Nothing says "I'm insecure about my sexuality" like feeling the need to say "no homo" after every sentence.
Man, I love you.. No homo.

Your ass is mine... No homo.
by Broneill December 9, 2010
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