One who gets (or seems to get) all their advice from dead people.
Is that man crazy or is he a necromancer.
by Melanie October 31, 2003
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The Necromancers are a group of discord raiders that sit around on their chairs launching invasions on Nation-grade servers. They first gained their presence in N grade when United States of America (LoS member-state) was destroyed. The main existence of NA was to bring down N grade.
Larper 1: The Necromancers just destroyed our server.
Larper 2: Sorry about that, lets re-build your server shall we?
by Bacterion April 5, 2022
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An Internet forum user who enjoys reviving old, dead threads, just to be an ass. Is eventually banned from forums after causing numerous threads to be closed or deleted. Closely related to n00b and lamer.
"I wish that necromancer would stop bumping three-year-old threads with one-word posts."
by Zen Master V March 9, 2006
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One who attempts to divine knowledge (usualy of the future) via communion with the dead. Originally from the Greek manteia 'divination' and nekros 'corpse'. Often refers to any magic aspected to death in works of the fantasy genre.
Demonic conjuration and the delving into the secrets of unlife, the two sides of the skull faced coin. Necromancers, both Hood cursed and deadly.

Why demonic summoning could be considered a branch of necromancy.
The complete comtrol over another life force and the threat of destruction held over it is inherantly death aspected.
- Paraphrasings of the Malazan Book of the Fallen.
by The Crippled One April 24, 2007
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usaly a witch or warloc that is specialize's in the dead and dark magic, sometimes the living and usely there magic is only having to do with life and death
the necromancer preforums a soul spell
by compakdisk August 11, 2006
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Study of black magic and bringing back the dead -the study and rituals for life and death ;romancing the dead back to life and gaining power - getting off on or in a dead warm or cold corpse
The same man that actually thinks up the necromancer games - is a judge in FAMILY court,it’s to bad .
by Mylarmeup May 29, 2018
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1. A gothic fantasy character sporting an outfit too fantastic and ridiculous to be worn in real life.

2. One who conjures the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events.
Here's a picture of my necromancer casting a spell. Do you think she looks goth enoough? Should I darken the shade of her lipstick and give her stiletto heels?
by Killing Kittens July 30, 2006
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