The most amazing guy to ever walk this planet, the equvivalent of a god, he is sexy as fu*k, blindlingly handsome and smarter than Einstein, and girls always sends him nude pics ;)
girl 1: omg look at mort he is soo sexy! *faints*

girl 2: i feel compelled to txt mort a nude pic
by Ivyrose April 9, 2013
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Girl.Girl friend.
Think it may have originated during Napoleonic wars. 'Mort' as in death as in slang for catching syphilis from a female.
..going to see my mort. Had my mort with me. Used a lot around ports.
by Mr Passing through August 4, 2008
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A really good looking beast that gets the babes
Whoa!! Have you seen Mort yet!! I love him!!
by ygwygyxewuehcewhchvhv March 27, 2013
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the name i gave to the bitchass hoe who keeps hacking into my phone
"Why do u keep texting me random letters?"
"Sorry thats not me thats motherfucking Mort i hate him"
by annab.s3 July 2, 2020
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A professional gamer who is really based and beats their friends in EVERY game XD
''Mort is such a fucking pro gamer''
by homeboymort December 28, 2021
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A person who is Mort is mad and short.
Short person: aargh I'm angry.
Other person: Haha he's mort
by HjalmarTV June 26, 2019
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A person who lacks any good looks or intelligence, does stupid retarded mistakes all the time, often referred to as a cross between a mole and a wart
Ugly Brenda fell on her face again..... The mort
by Crim_boi June 10, 2014
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