a city in minnesota that everyone burned down and robbed all cuz a racist white cop killed a black man for no reason
i just went to minneapolis and looted a free ps5 from target after everyone set it on fire
by 4kt_tez May 30, 2020
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Minneapolis, Minnesota. A fairly large city built in a place where it can snow any month of the year except June, July and August and the temperature can reach as low as -40F/-40C during the Winter. The culture is a strange combination of liberal politics and relatively conservative family values. A strong sense of self-important nationalism is present in the local culture and many years ago the residents dubbed it the "Mini-apple" as though it is somehow a smaller version of the Big Apple, New York City.
I froze my ass off in Minneapolis while everyone kept telling me how great it was there.
by JS January 17, 2004
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The act of kneeling on someone's neck for a long period of time until that person dies. Anyone can commit this action, but it's especially committed by racist folks.
That police officer truly Minneapolis'd on that woman after her 3-year-old daughter accidentally took a barbie doll from the toy store.

I'm not driving over the speed limit. I don't want to deal with some Officer Cartman beating my ass up whilst telling me to "respect his authoritah (sic)", or worse, giving me a Minneapolis on the side of the highway.

I dread to go back to Conroe or any Houston suburb. I'm afraid of an angry redneck or neo-Nazi randomly pulling a Minneapolis on me.
by OK Dodo May 29, 2020
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The largest city in Minnesota which has been historically distinguished by its three districts: North Minneapolis, Downtown, and areas which are not North Minneapolis or downtown.

Minneapolis has a very diversified population consisting of Hmong, Somalians, and Scandinavians. While the city looks nice, it is countered by our high crime rates, making us the 15th most dangerous state in the nation.

Minneapolis has a record of being a historically liberal city, though prides itself on being open to other options (hence, the election of Jesse Ventura). It has a very large GLBT community which is supplemented by the extensive local art.
Guy 1: Dude, I'm from Minneapolis?
Guy 2: Me too! Where at?
Guy 1: Not north.
Guy 2: I live there too!
by expiredspork September 1, 2008
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Minneapolis is a freaking awesome city in the Midwest, and is better than Chicago with the whole theater scene and cultural thing. The skyline's gorgeous, and the culture is very mixed, with lots of blacks, hispanics, asians, and somalians inhabiting various neighborhoods like riverside, and the west side, etc, even though MN has a rep for being super white. Not true anymore. There is gang activity in the wrong parts of town, like Dinkytown and sometimes in North Mpls., but it's a relatively clean, awesome city, with great culture, sports, people... Minneapolis rocks. And it's way better than boring old Saint Paul.
Minneapolis is the coolest city on earth, cuz it's got all the perks of a huge city without the disadvantages.
by Rain459 March 2, 2011
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Minneapolis is a major city in Minnesota, Where people Loot and set things on fire, But other than that it’s a great place 😃 👍🏽
Aye bruh I’m go to Minneapolis and go looting wit my girl
by Bonsa September 21, 2020
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A big city that was just fucked by a bunch of rioters because it’s 2020
Damn that person looks like Minneapolis, he’s a wreck!
by sickomaus123 June 29, 2020
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