A term coined in the mid 90s in NC referring to something great, trendy or cool. Started out as a social experiment to get highschool kids to use the word "milt".

Milt actually means fish or mollusk seminal fluid
Johnny just scored with half the cheerleaders, he's the the milt!
by NCresource February 28, 2019
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Milted is when you get fucking owned by milty and lose all your pride and then try to fight back but then lose even more pride and then eat shit and then try to make fun of how many times I used and in the same sentence and then eat my shit anyway tsunami~~~~~~ ???????
bend over and scream rape you fucking newb~
by Milty™ January 7, 2005
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milt is the thick white liquide that comes out of a fish's penis...also know as sperm or cum
the rainbowtrout has put his milt in your mother's mouth
by donkers99 April 22, 2008
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Mother In Leather Trousers. A woman old enough to know better who accompanies her young kids to rock concerts and tries to dress to impress
At Britney's last show the entire audience was jailbait and MILTs
by Jenthelibrarian June 29, 2004
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(n) milt - another name for vomit or puke
(v) milted (past tense) unintentionally vomitted on one's self in public.
(v) milting (present tense) the surprising unintentional act of vomiting on one's self
I was sitting at the bar and milted on myself.

I got milt on my shirt.

Don't come in here, I am milting!
by Lou Zurr October 5, 2009
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dumbass way to mispronounce melt
the ice is melting-normal
the ice is milting-dumbass
by KevinQ1234567890 June 22, 2009
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