Girls going by this name are usually very cute and have an innocent sense about them. They come off as being very shy but once you get to know them they are loyal and nice. Although they are capable of being book smart, they are usually ditsy. They are however, to be loved and cherished like a puppy. They are adorable and very playful.
by <3 Mattie <3 March 19, 2009
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An awesome person that is caring and loving who you should date
by Mattie claws December 20, 2016
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A boy who owns someone's heart.
A future husband.
Someone's everything.
'You see that boy? He's my Mattie.'
by Sydney =] March 3, 2007
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in two words: 'THE SHIT'. Often a pole dancer and as spicy as a jalapeno! loves horses and is one sexy BEAST!!!Also used as a sex term.
I'd tap that girl, twice. She's definatly a Mattie.

I'd Mattie your mom.
by c-8-lin July 11, 2008
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a sick bastard who tells silly asians your dirty dreams and will create horribly awkward moments in front of a grocery store. A Mattie can also be related to poop
Sue- "Zomg! that bitch is a bitch!"
Karen- "Psh chya! She's such a mattie"
by puppylove2852 September 8, 2008
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There are two types. The person who likes their own cousin so I call her Alabama, and steals your freaking crush and so you hate her. There is also the one that is your friend and she’s nice.
by UmChileAnywaysSo September 5, 2020
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Beautiful, sexy, shy, nymphomanic though. This girl will drool over alot. Sweetheart, and will be loyal to only you. If you show her what you got. ;)
God mattie's been drooling over my balls since last Tuesday.
by marie93 November 24, 2014
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