March 8th is giraffe feeding day. Go to the zoo feed those giraffes, feel their purple tongues.
Girl are you going to feed the giraffes, it’s March 8th.
by Comeatmeseriously October 23, 2019
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March 8 is a day a handsome young man was born
His birthday is on March 8
by JAY42 October 19, 2019
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Only the thickest of bitches are born on March 8.
And bitch, your salty af.

It's also national confess to your crush day! Go confess you low self esteem people. People born on March 8th are the happiest when they feel loved.
Person: Omg! Gavins so hot! He was born on March 8! Hes so thick...
by ?DidYouJustDoThatBro? January 20, 2021
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March 8 is the day a funny, tall, and handsome man is born.

If you have a friend that is born on March 8 you are blessed.
You were born on March 8 I can tell.
by .Ag23. October 25, 2019
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March 8th is the day to be yourself. Tell the people you care about that you love them, and hug them a little tighter this day. It is also Maliks Birthday, so if anyone who sees this would like to wish him a happy birthday, it would be greatly appreciated. In 2022 Malik would have been 19, i miss you buddy:)
Hey did you here that march 8th is love a homie day???
by apollo’s love March 7, 2022
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Tell a guy you like him day
"Hey i like you". Ok? Why are u telling me this? "Cause its March 8" Ohhhhhhhhhh
by BloopBloopDoopadeDoop November 14, 2020
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