Where twilight and Justin Bieber are the devil, where ninjas always beat pirates, where coloring books, crayons, and bubble wrap are adequate ways to pass time, where dinosaur chicken nuggets are the meal of choice, and Harry Potter reigns supreme.
"Today, me and my boyfriend made a pillow fort, bought dinosaur chicken nuggets, and watched Harry Potter. Best. Date. EVER. MLIA
by TEAMSTARKID108 May 29, 2011
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A once-great website about average everyday tasks.

The first few posts were actually average (examples below), but now nothing that anyone ever posts is average. I think people are mistaking the A for awesome.

Every MLIA talks about the following topics:
-Harry Potter
-People finishing songs that other people are singing
-Chuck Norris
-Reading things with a British accent
-"Funny" directions on packaging
-"Funny" laws
-Pirates vs. Ninjas
-Google vs. Yahoo!

And similarly, every MLIA post ends with one of the following:
-Life. Complete.
-Best. _______. Ever.
-New favorite _______? I think so.
-I regret nothing.
-I'm still confused.
-I still have questions.
-This kid is going places.
-I love ______.

Basically, you could write some bullshit story about Harry Potter and slap one of those totally original endings to it, and people will think you're the embodiment of Jesus Christ.
AVERAGE post: Today, I briefly considered getting car insurance, before realizing that I didn't want to deal with it at the moment. Then I had some trail mix. MLIA

RETARDED post: Today, one of my friends told me to go to Google and type in 'finding chuck norris' in the search box and click 'i'm feeling lucky.' When I did, the response was 'Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.' Best thing ever? I think so. MLIA.

Can you pick out the average one? I sure fucking can't!
EXTRA CREDIT: Figure out which one hasn't been done 9000+ times to win a fabulous prize.
by XileLord December 11, 2010
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A website that used to be funny but lost its creativity and now entirely consists of posts referring to one of the following:

- Ninjas
- Harry Potter
- How bad twilight is
- How bad Miley Cyrus is
- College students being entertained by coloring books and toys

Expect every single post to either end with "I regret nothing", "Best. Friend. Ever.", or "New best friend? I think so."
"What's mlia?"

"A website that used to be funny but isn't anymore."
by patob91 February 20, 2010
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Stands for "My life is average" and is used at the ends of posts on mylifeisaverage.com. Also an abbreviation for the website itself. There are two types of MLIA posts:

1) An actually average post. These post chronicle the actual things people do during the day, so that the average person can relate. Sadly, these posts are currently almost nonexistent. An example: "Today, I was surfing the web instead of working when I came across a link to MLIA. I sniggered, then looked guiltily around to see if anyone had heard. I don't think they did. MLIA."

2) A fake post. These posts are about people who have seemed to have mistaken "MLIA" for "my life is awesome." They usually have to do with Harry Potter, the word "epic," Yahoo versus Google, the phrases "Mind. Blown," and "I'm still confused," cool teachers, and stereotypes. They also usually aren't as grammatically correct as the average posts. They are usually funny, but once you've read a really average post, you hate them from the bottom of your heart. These posts have taken over MLIA. An example: "Today, after reading all of the other comments about the Google vs. Yahoo war I decided I'd try it out. I typed 'penguins are' into both of them. Yahoo says they are mammals. Google said 'penguins are my favorite sort of frogs.' Definate win. MLIA."
Some people commenting on an average post:

"Today I was pouring coffee and spilled a little on the counter. I wiped the coffee up with a paper towel. MLIA."

Fake post lover: This post is really average. It's not funny at all. This sucks.

Average post lover: The site is called "mylifeisaverage.com"; it's supposed to be average. It's in the name.

Fake post lover: But there are other posts that are really funny and awesome!

Average post lover: But those aren't AVERAGE. My teacher's never been tackled by the Cookie Monster. Has yours?

Fake post lover: No. So?

Average post lover: *facepalm*
by Segreto November 6, 2010
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My Life Is Average
A website that used to be funny, but is now just a bunch of people talking about ninjas, harry potter, hating twilight, building forts, google vs. yahoo wars, etc. If you go to the last page, you can actually see average stuff, instead of lots of stories people with no friends just made up that aren't even average.
Today, I wore a "TEAM VOLDEMORT" shirt to Eclipse and made a 12 year old girl cry, saw old people dancing, had a lightsaber battle with a 6 year old at wal-mart, then went home and slept in my fort. MLIA

^^ typical MLIA submission
by iamaverage August 23, 2010
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MLIA - acronym for "My Life Is Average"

A spinoff site from "FML," except filled with people posting average happenings in their daily lives.

In the beginning, most posts were funny as the events actually were mundane. Now, the site is full of Harry Potter geeks and dorks who try to make witty statements in order to impress people and make them think they are funny.
Today, I was walking down the street and then I yelled "Expecto Patronum!" and nothing happened. I'm not Harry Potter. This is an average statement because I mentioned Harry Potter and it didn't happen in really life. HAHA Isn't my life average? MLIA

Today, I tried to make an epic MLIA post. I failed. lulz. MLIA
by daboopdaboopboop August 21, 2009
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Stands for My Life is Average. MLIA is a spinoff of FML that was originally created for users to document daily life. However, it has now been infested with homosexual suburban white children who make up fake stories and post them in an attempt to impress and make other people laugh. The demographic includes Harry Potter nerds, Twilight haters, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus haters, 5-year-old suburban white girls from Nebraska, etc.

Posters frequently post about how something awesome happened at their school, such as a professor dressing up as a banana and reading fairy tales to the class. Quite obviously, these stories are fake; if they were real, then all MLIA posters probably attend Faggot High School.

MLIA posts are supposed to begin with "Today" and end with "MLIA". However, many posters are so busy fabricating their bullshit stories that they forget to do so. Recently, a trend has developed where posters chronicle an exciting event and end their post with a matter-of-fact statement, such as "Life. Complete." or "I love _____." This statement is meant to be the "punchline" of the pathetic joke that posters are trying to tell.
Real MLIA post:
"Today, I went to Burger King for dinner. Then I went home and watched The Hangover. MLIA."

Note the documentation of events that truly happen in average life.

Fake MLIA post:
"Today, I woke up and decided to dress up as Harry Potter. When I got to school, I discovered that my friends had dressed up as Harry Potter characters as well. Then all of a sudden the entire grade started singing "The Mysterious Ticking Noise" in the hallway. I love my school. MLIA."

Note the documentation of an event that could never happen, except at Faggot High School in Homoville, Nebraska. Also note the homosexuality portrayed by the poster and his matter-of-fact conclusion of "I love my school."
by jimminator July 4, 2011
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