A good man who's very sexy all the girls love him
He has a big heart and a bigger penis
"That guy is definitely a lukey spooky have you seen him"
by Dolphin dasher August 30, 2021
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a person that needs help and likes pizza and needs to lose some weight
He is a lukey dukey because he looks like a blue whale and breaks the scale
by the beast mode December 31, 2019
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The art of sneeking off in the middle of the day for a pokey bumy wank. You must do it standing up in a public toilet and get 2 fingers up the hole for it to count as an official lukey pokey... Many people who attempt this don't get the two fingers up.
Guy 1: Did you totally see that guy sneeking off to the bogs.... I bet he was going for a Lukey Pokey

Guy 2: Doubt it.... It's not a Lukey Pokey if you can't get 2 fingers up
by morgjones13 November 3, 2014
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when 'lukey d' tries to steal yo girl
*lukey d : oh shes sooo fit mmm

* friend: fuck off you bugs
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An exceptionally attractive person who you should definitely meet.
Wow that Lukey Pookie is a real cool guy!
by explodinglentils May 25, 2022
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A sexual nickname you call someone named Luke that you want to cum in your fat ass. Call someone this nickname that is named Luke that you are sexually attracted to, and want to have passionate rough sex with.
“Lukey Pookie don’t stop”
“Lukey Pookie cum in my fat ass
“It’s so big Lukey Pookie”
I love you, Lukey Pookie”
by UweZimmermann January 20, 2022
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